The journey to full integration is here.
Our experience says no solution is universal and if we have multiple challenges, we need several victories.
We focus on integrating existing systems because we believe in what’s working, that organizations should keep their good solutions and extend the portfolio with new, top class, integrated applications. And if existing A doesn’t integrate with a new C, we make sure B (bang) comes to the rescue.
Our approach is very simple and we would like to share it with you:
- Every application must be the best at what it does (if it isn’t, we should not invest more on it)
- Every application should have an API (if it doesn’t, we must build one)
- Every process should be digitized (if not now, in its’ own priority)
- All data should flow smoothly (if it’s detained, it must be set free)
We’ve integrated ERP, CRM and other applications of several vendors in a variety of solutions, in the most peculiar scenarios, like:
- Customer calls are suggested to Accounts
- Orders are announced in dashboards
- Equipment data is acquired and related with KPIs
- Production is entered in Inventory
- Quality issues alerts via SMS
- Overdue invoices generate automatic email messages
- Payments are reconciled with bank statements
- Operators missing are alerted for justification
- And many more…
Devices, people and systems working together to automate and simplify operations. Simple.